Like millions of Americans, there are days where I am virtually anesthetized by what I hear coming from various media outlets.
Almost like a version of don't ask because I don't want to know and don't tell because the answer is usually something mildly disturbing.
Then we purchased the sleek, sexy Dodge Caravan which came equipped with Satellite radio and the rest was history.
Today the van went into the shop for a much overdue service check (I sound like a 70's swinger with my "van") and I was left to drive my husbands car which only has good old fashioned
terrestial radio.
The FM popular music stations were embarrassingly free of good tunes and good talk so I dialed it down to my old standby 88.5
WAMU but was thwarted by poor reception and an sudden inability to multitask.
Off it went until all kids exited the vehicle.
In pursuit of crackle free entertainment I dipped even lower down to
WPFW to listen to Democracy Now who were running a feature on the crisis in Thailand with several guests who held varied and steadfast beliefs on the situation. It was an interesting debate to say the least.
This little independent station, and I use the term independent in it's truest sense here, has been alive and kicking for 33 years now with their motto of "question everything you hear".
They accept no commercial underwriting of programming and therefore are able to provide an untainted alternative voice not swayed by fear of upsetting big bosses or large looming companies.
It's quite refreshing actually.
I feel like somewhat of a fucking revolutionary just listening to them.
Since media really is essential to the way we live and the news we absorb these muckrakers are a gem in the sea of
They are smack dab in the middle of their Spring Membership drive and if I wasn't so low on cash right now, I'd call right up and participate.
So thanks
WPFW for the thought provoking content. I might even switch over to FM once in awhile when the minivan comes back.